Proof of Existence
The “version 1” core product offering was conceived by the core team through cooperation as Governor DAO, a fair launch volunteer collective, in 2021. The first rendition, Proof of Existence, attracted over 1,000 users and represents the first in-market Biometric Proof of Personhood protocol.
DEMOS and the “version 2” product stack, starting with OnlyMeID, represents the culmination of lessons learned from v1 and a dedicated, focused vision to establish DEMOS as the premier solution for Sybil Resistance and Bot-Proofing throughout the space.
DEMOS is independent of Governor DAO and is the sole owner of the Sybil Resistance product stack. In return, a small percentage of $DEM is allocated to $GDAO and Governor DAO, while Governor DAO maintains a separate roadmap outside Sybil Resistance and a dedicated community supporting it.
The primary goal with DEMOS is to articulate and establish this “v2” as a significant evolution from the initial offering. Every component of the initial DEMOS launch is designed to answer the question, "Why v2?" While other endeavors are important to the overall success of the project, the primary focus is on creating a compelling narrative for v2 that resonates with DEMOS key audiences: investors, community members, and partners/users.
Given the current market landscape, there is a significant demand for a user-friendly, one-size-fits-all authentication product, especially one that respects user autonomy and can be easily integrated into any project.
Through alignment with Governor DAO, an existing community and a base of original adopters exist. The $DEM token will bootstrap the first users and integrations, offering long-term incentives to DAO members who recruit more users and encourage more projects to integrate with DEMOS.
DEMOS UX improvements are designed to maximize user retention and integration success. The sign-up and integration process for OnlyMeID will be seamless, reducing the risk of losing potential users or integrations due to technical difficulties.
As market share increases, the value of the DEMOS product stack also grows. The improved product capabilities and revenue capabilities suggest the ability to extend the product beyond the MVP, offering unique selling points once DEMOS matures beyond the token-subsidized growth hacking adoption subsidies.
DEMOS’ vision is to clearly communicate to users and projects the benefits of choosing $DEM and DEMOS, and to instill confidence in investors about DEMOS’ ability to create value and capture market share.
Version 1 (Governor DAO, Proof of Existence) lacked the dedicated resources, user-friendly experience, and cohesive vision necessary to support significant adoption. Additionally, the market was not as aware of the product we were offering.
Version 2 (DEMOS, OnlyMeID) is better positioned to target sophisticated market participants who already understand the value proposition, secure them with incentives, and utilize those engagements as a foundation to achieve widespread adoption. The overarching goal is to create a unique, differentiated, full-stack ecosystem to serve as the quintessential Sybil Resistance protocol.
Key Improvements
The transition from v1 to v2 includes several key improvements:
User Experience (UX) Improvements: 10x improvements to the user interface and overall experience to make it more intuitive and user-friendly.
$DEM Incentives & Privileges: Introducing new incentives and privileges for $DEM token holders to encourage participation and engagement.
Treasury & Runway: Financial backing and implementation of a more sustainable financial model to ensure the project's long-term viability.
Clear Vision: A well-articulated, clear vision for DEMOS, emphasizing the mission of Securing Human Integrity through the Sybil Resistance product set.
Alignment of Community: Utilization of incentives, revenue, and DAO structure to activate community members as productive ambassadors.
Improved Business Model: Introduction of step-up product offerings and SaaS subscription models to enable large scale and higher-margin revenue opportunities.
Product Capabilities: Expansion of the product set to support a step-up set of Sybil Resistance and Bot-Proofing solutions.
Changing Market Dynamics: The market knowledge surrounding Biometric Proof of Personhood has rapidly expanded since v1.
Through continued refinement and development of DEMOS v2, the core team remains committed to the mission of empowering individuals in the digital world. Through emphasis on user empowerment, privacy, and security, DEMOS is differentiated against competitors in the industry and positioned for success.
Last updated