
DEMOS enhances Web3 security with intuitive and robust Sybil Resistance solutions, promoting human integrity, innovation and fairness across the digital landscape.

Central to our ecosystem is OnlyMeID, our flagship product, designed to provide frictionless and privacy-preserving identity verification, ensuring that every user is uniquely and securely authenticated seamlessly.

Our mission at DEMOS is to set a new standard in Sybil Resistance, streamlining user verification through a browser-based signup process with OnlyMeID, and eliminating the need for traditional KYC, documentation, or additional sign-ups.

The DEMOS and OnlyMeID suite extends beyond traditional boundaries with multi-chain capabilities, enabling unified and secure user verification across various blockchain platforms.

Our solutions cater to a diverse range of applications and ecosystems across web3:

  • One-per-person NFT mints

  • Equitable token launches

  • Democratic governance

  • Secure gaming

  • Bot and spam-free social media environments

  • And more

Through this approach, DEMOS and OnlyMeID enhance the security and accessibility of Web3 interactions and pave the way for a more inclusive, equitable, and interconnected digital future.

DEMOS Vision

DEMOS is dedicated to empowering users in web3, striving to offer a secure, intuitive, and accessible environment for crypto engagement. We aim to simplify access and foster participation in various projects, promoting fairness and creating meaningful experiences. By emphasizing privacy, user empowerment, and smooth onboarding, DEMOS enables users to engage confidently and securely. Our commitment lies in transferring control back to users, ensuring their interactions are private, secure, and user-driven.

We aim to set the standard for security within the blockchain, leading the charge for new ventures into this innovative landscape. DEMOS envisions establishing a universal benchmark that prioritizes human values, champions sustainability, and provides unparalleled security, setting a new precedent for web3.

Our approach places humans at the forefront, fostering innovation and collaboration that empowers businesses to develop new and exciting products, services, and ecosystems with a strong emphasis on human interests and privacy. We strive to be the go-to partner for organizations looking to utilize blockchain and cryptocurrency technology, ensuring a smooth transition that upholds human safety, privacy, and equity. Our goal is to redefine security standards, enabling businesses to excel in the evolving digital environment.

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