How to burn/delete enrollment
Details on how burn MEID token and delete enrollment (2 parts)
Last updated
Details on how burn MEID token and delete enrollment (2 parts)
Last updated
Prior Checks: Ensure the wallet has testnet ETH available in wallet to burn MeID token
a) Go to url
b) Connect the wallet that was enrolled {Onboarded}
c) Go to the ‘settings’ button and click on ‘Burn MeID’, where you will be prompted for a confirmation that you wish to delete your MeID Enrollment (step 1) . Click on ‘Yes, burn my token’. From here your wallet will prompt the person to sign a message authorising the transaction to burn enrollment.
if ‘settings’ are not available, clear cookies and cache or try a different browser [Important to note, there is a 3-day Timeout on burning the token at the contract level}
d) If the wallet doesn’t have MeID tokens on other chains and deleting MeiD is successful, you will see an option to ‘Mint’ again. DO NOT MINT again unless required.
e) To complete the next stages, click on ‘settings’ then ‘Purge MeID enrollment’; a prompt will ask for confirmation from there. To delete, choose ‘Deactivate account’
f) IMPORTANT: A timeout will appear confirming the data is being deleted; return after a timeout to enroll a new person on the wallet. If a wallet has been tagged as a duplicate the error message will remain displayed until a successful enrollment has been completed. The following message will be displayed if the connected wallet has detected a duplicate enrollment in the system "Our records show that the biometrics associated with the connected wallet are already enrolled on a different wallet. If the biometrics have been deleted and you wish to switch wallets, a successful enrollment will clear the error message. However, if you have attempted to enroll on multiple wallets, there is a risk that the warning may not resolve."
IMPORTANT NOTE : once the wallet enrolment has been deleted after the 7-day timeout, the person can attempt to enroll on another wallet. If a wallet was tagged as a duplicate, if the person successfully enrolls on that wallet, the message will disappear. If the person has attempted to enroll on another wallet the message will continue to display.