Demos Enrollment Status
Information detailing the status of an enrollment on Demos Website
Last updated
Information detailing the status of an enrollment on Demos Website
Last updated
The screenshot highlights the connected wallet is NOT enrolled {not onboarded} and has NOT minted a MeID token on Hemi Blockchain
Screenshot highlights the connected wallet is enrolled {onboarded} and NOT minted a MeID token on the Hemi Blockchain
Screenshot highlights the connected wallet is enrolled {onboarded} and has minted a MeID token on Hemi Blockchain
Connect wallet to the Website the UI will display status as above
The following will only appear if the wallet has a MeID token minted
The following option will only display if the wallet the wallet hasn't a minted a MeID on any chain. For example, if a person has minted a MeID on Polygon and Hemi, the token will have to be burnt on both chains for the option to 'Purge MeID Enrollment'
The 'Verify' option is not available on Hemi Testnet, the button will be active on Mainnet. On mainnet on occassion, there will be a requirement to revalidate ownership of the wallet by verifying.
Please note that upon successful verification, an on-chain transaction will be initiated to finalize the verification timestamp. To complete this process, the wallet must have sufficient gas/tokens. If the on-chain transaction fails to complete, the verification will not be finalized, potentially resulting in non-validation of the campaign requirements.
An example of a successful on-chain verification, if the following is not displayed or doesn't have a recent date/time in the UI/Website the on-chain transaction hasn't completed successfully.
Connect to the blockchain explorer , enter wallet address, click on 'tokens' where 'OnlyMeID (MeID) will appear